Financial reporting includes not only financial statements, but also other information reporting media, which are directly or indirectly related, to the information provided by the accounting system; namely information about economic resources, debt, periodic profits and others. Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) as a financial organization that provides services to the Pakraman village community provides an allocation of profits or profits from activities for the needs of the Pakraman village community where the LPD is located.

Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) is an organization whose operational activities have a scope that is the general public, and the profit obtained from financial activities that have been held contains elements of profit in banking, namely the element of capitalist profit as a factor of production, capital accumulation and for the benefit of capital owners. With the differences in the elements of financial reporting, the D III Accounting Study Program of FEB Unud held Community Service activities in Sangketan Village, Penebel - Tabanan Bali with the theme "LPD FINANCIAL REPORTING".

This activity was held on Saturday, October 28, 2023. The main participants in this activity were 6 LPD Chairmen and 6 Bendesa Adat within the scope of the Sangketan official village area including Sangketan Traditional Village, Bongli Traditional Village, Puring Traditional Village, Anyar Traditional Village, Munduk Dawa Traditional Village LPD, and Munduk Bun Traditional Village.

Participants followed the event with enthusiasm by presenting speakers from the Bali Region IAI on behalf of Dwi Haryadi Nugraha, SST, MSi, Ak, CA, BKP, ASEAN CPA, CPA who are also 3 company leaders: KAP Dwi Haryadi Nugraha, KJA Dwi Haryadi Nugraha, and KKP Dwi Haryadi Nugraha. The follow-up of this service activity is that every LPD in the Sangketan Village area is given the CPRR Credit Given accounting application. This application is very important for LPDs as savings and loan institutions in order to be able to back up loans/credits given.